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深井泵标准-Standard deep-well pump

时间:2010-11-19 23:03:48 来源:未知

深井泵标准-Standard deep-well pump

编号 名称 appellation
JB/T51204-1999 长轴离心深井泵 产品质量分等 Long axis deep well pump centrifugal product quality grading
ANSI/API Spec 11C-1988 增强塑料深井泵活塞杆 Reinforced plastic deep-well pump rod
JB/T3565-1992 长轴离心深井泵 效率 Long axis deep well pump efficiency of centrifugal
JB/T3564-1992 长轴离心深井泵 型式与基本参数 Long axis deep well pump types and basic parameters of centrifugal
JB/T53292-1999 长轴离心深井泵 产品质量分等 Long axis deep well pump centrifugal product quality grading