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时间:2011-03-15 12:09:47 来源:未知

  C Celcius摄氏

  C C-Piller C柱

  C Call呼叫

  C Candle烛光

  C Capacitance电容

  C Car汽车

  C Carbon碳

  C Cathode阴极

  C Celsius Scale摄氏温标

  C Coulomb库仑

  C * Celcius摄氏度

  C&M Care and Maintenance维修及保养

  C-4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter电脑控制触媒转换器

  C. CANI Charcoal Canister碳罐

  C.E. Check Engine引擎故障灯

  C.G. Center of Gravity重心

  C/O Checkout检查,调整,测试

  C/O Choke Openner阻风门强制开启阀

  C3I Computer Controlled Coil Ignition电脑控制线圈点火

  C4 Computer Controled Catalytic Converter电脑控制触媒转换器

  CA Calcium钙

  CA Compressed Air压缩空气

  CA Crank Angle曲轴转角

  CABR Cabriolet敞蓬车

  CAC Charge Air Cooler进气冷却器

  CACS Comprehensive Automobile Control System汽车综合控制系统

  CACV Combined Air Control Valve组合空气控制阀

  CAD Computer-Aided Design计算机辅助设计

  CAE Computer Aided Enginering电脑辅助工程

  CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗

  CAL Calorie卡路里

  CAL Calculated Average Life (汽车等的)平均计算寿命

  CAL Caliber口径

  CAL Calibrate校定,校正

  CAL Collision Avoidance Light防撞灯